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- 164 Log Loader
Product Description
Production: 1946 - 1950
The 164 Log Loader is one of only several accessories to be produced in both the prewar and postwar Lionel era. The impressive size of the accessory as well as its action, noise and excitement continues to make this an interesting and fun accessory to operate on a layout. Even people seeing the log loader for the first time are impressed with the operation.
An interesting operational point regarding the Log Loader is its ability to store logs in two separate locations. Rarely did Lionel create an accessory with functionality to store freight in two independent areas. For the experienced operator, this permitted the ability to unload two log cars prior to loading any freight car.
The 164 Log Loader is designed to sit between two tracks. Logs are first dumped into the loading bin. The operator has the choice of keeping the logs in the lower storage bin or carrying the logs to the upper storage bin. The final action is for the logs to be loaded onto a waiting freight car on the rear of the accessory. To this day, kids love to watch the log loader in action as much as us adults!
The 164 Log Loader includes the following standard features: painted green bakelite base, yellow painted support structure, yellow metal rear storage bin, silver and black loading mechanism and a red plastic roof. There is also a chain with black cups used to bring the logs from the lower tray to rear tray.
Additional Detail, Photos & Box Information
The 164 postwar Log Loader did not change in appearance during its production.
Only Known Variation - Shown in first photo above - All postwar 164 Log Loaders have green-painted bakelite bases, yellow supports and a yellow rear bin.
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