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- 310 Billboards
Product Description
Production: 1949 - 1969
The 310 Billboard Set consisted of two components; a set of green frames (generally five frames) and a set of billboards. Like many postwar items with paper components, the billboards are very collectable -- and in most cases -- the expensive component of this accessory.
The green frames were produced in three different shades of green (light, medium and dark), with the darker version being the most common. Billboards were sold as an attached set of three, five, six, eight or ten attached billboards and generally decreased over time throughout the postwar years.
Below is a summary of the billboards printed by Lionel per year:
- 1946, 1947 & 1948 - no known billboards identified as having been produced in 1946, 1947 & 1948
- 1949, eight billboards: Ford, Wrigley's Gum, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Lionel Construction Sets, Kleenex, Heinz Soup, Nash and Baby Ruth Candy
- 1950, eight billboards: Ford, America's Big Three, Plymouth, Dupont Antifreeze, Wrigley's Gum, Nash, Baby Ruth Candy and Northern Tissue
- 1951, ten billboards: Plymouth, Hallicrafters, Frigidaire, Dupont Antifreeze, America's Big Three, Wrigley's Gum, Heinz Soup, Baby Ruth Candy, Atlantic Gas and General Tire
- 1952, ten billboards: Plymouth, Sunsweet Prunes, Frigidaire, Dupont Antifreeze, Silver Springs, Wrigley's Gum, Heinz Beans, Baby Ruth Candy, Sunoco and General Tire
- 1953, eight billboards: Plymouth, Coca-Cola, Frigidaire, Sunoco, Wrigley's Gum, Heinz Ketchup, Dupont Antifreeze and Silver Springs
- 1954, eight billboards: Lipton Ice Tea, New Departure Safety Brakes, Sunoco, Fram Filters, Wrigley's Gum, Campbell's Soup, Dupont Antifreeze and Breck Shampoo
- 1955 & 1956, six billboards: Dupont Antifreeze, Log Cabin Syrup, Wrigley's Gum, Kool-Aid, Snow Crop Peas and Fram Filters
- 1957, five billboards: US Navy, Airex, Nabisco Shredded Wheat, Lionel Trains and Wrigley Gum
- 1958 & 1959, five billboards: US Navy, Airex, Juicy Fruit Gum, PurOlator and Chevolet
- 1960, five billboards: Underwood Typewriters, US Navy, Cities Services, Airex and Target Range
- 1961, 1964 & 1965, five billboards: US Navy, Cities Services, Swift's Premium Franks, Lionel Science Sets and Target Range
- 1962, three billboards: Cities Services, US Navy and Van Camp Beans
- 1963: no known billboards identified as having been offered in 1963
- 1966 & 1968, five billboards: US Savings Bonds (two of the same billboards), Education is for the birds (two of the same billboards) and Get A Dodge
- 1967 & 1969: no known billboards identified as having been offered in either 1967 & 1969
The 310 Billboard Set consists of both green frames and paper billboards. It is also worth noting, even within an advertisers billboard there are variations. For example, Dupont Antifreeze billboards were offered in multiple years, but there is a price listed on the billboard -- which was updated each year. Another example is Plymouth, their billboard was updated with the latest & greatest Plymouth for that particular year!
Additional Detail, Photos & Box Information
Different Variations By Year - The 1951 billboards are shown in first photo above - All 310's have a plastic frames and a set of billboards. As mentioned above, the number of billboards varied year-by-year.
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