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- 3428 United States Mail / Post Office
Product Description
Production: 1959 & 1960
The 3428 Operating Post Office box car was a new item for the 1959 Lionel product line and was an immediate success. Being both a colorful freight car as well as wearing the patriotic colors of the United States, this box car -- as well as its non-operating cousin, the 6428 -- has become a favorite item for both operators and collectors and remains in demand in today's train market.
The 3428 was included in two 027 gauge sets, one in 1959 and a follow up in 1960. Interestingly, each set was similar in design in that a Santa Fe AA Alco was the lead locomotive and the train consisted of the 3428 mail box car plus three streamlined passenger cars.
The 3428 is build from a 6464 style box car. Standard features include a gray shell painted red, white and blue with black and white lettering, multi-block sliding doors, AAR trucks with dual operating couplers plus a single brakewheel.
Included inside is a gray man with a gray mailbag. Both the figure and mailbag have a small magnet mounted to each one, which permits the man to simulate holding a bag of mail as the train travels around a layout. Be careful of original Post Office box cars as the small mail bag is frequently missing.
Additional Detail, Photos & Box Information
U.S. Post Office Box Car - Shown in first photo above - There are no known variations to this box car.
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