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3662 Automatic Refrigerator Car


Product Description

Production:  1954 - 1960 & 1964 - 1966

The 3662 Automatic Refrigerated Milk Car is an updated model of Lionel's most successful freight car and accessory -- the operating milk car. At the time of the 3662's introduction in 1954, an operating milk car -- either the 3462 or 3472 -- had already been in Lionel's product line for eight years. Although the basic model is still an operating milk cars, it includes new features, improved reliability and a more scale-like appearance.

The 3662 Automatic Refrigerator Milk Car consisted of two components -- a 3662 operating milk car and a delivery stand. To this day the operating milk car remains a popular accessory as it is both reliable and rarely needs maintenance.

Standard features of the 3662 Automatic Refrigerated Milk Car set includes:

  • 3662 Milk Car - Includes a white body, brown roof ends, black lettering, metal trucks through 1960 and AAR trucks thereafter, two operating couplers, single metal brakewheel, opening doors on each side plus a cream-colored rubber man delivering seven non-magnetic milk cans.
  • Milk Stand - Green painted base with a white stand and an adjustable metal tray. The stand is a stationary item and non-operational.

Additional Detail, Photos & Box Information

Painted White Shell - The white painted shell is assumed to be an early production run from 1955. This is a rare item and the hardest 3662 version to locate.
Unpainted White Shell with Bar-End Trucks - Shown in first photo above - The common version.
Unpainted White Shell with AAR Trucks - Available only between 1964 and 1966. Additionally, this version does not have the 'New 4-55' stamped on each side of the car. This is a hard version to locate and its original box is extremely difficult to find in nice condition.

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