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- 3461 Flatcar w/ Logs
Product Description
Production: 1949 - 1955
The 3461 Operating Log Dump car is a continuation of the 3451 operating Log Dump car of the late 1940's. Except for the number, the only difference between the cars is the 3451 had coil couplers while the 3461 has magnetic couplers.
All operating log dump cars are popular cars, both in the 1950's and with the operators and collectorsg of today. The 3461 is the perfect car to be used with Lionel's 364 Conveyor Log Loader accessory. Because of the high play value of the dump cars, especially when used with the 364 Log Loader, many of these cars today are found in less than collectable condition. Locating a collectable version will require some effort.
A green version of the 3461 was produced by Lionel late in its production run. This version is harder to locate than the common black version and is actively sought-after by the collecting community.
The 3461 is a high quality operating car made by Lionel. Standard features include: die-cast frame, sheet-metal operating dump frame, eight metal side stakes, dual operating couplers, a single brakewheel and brakestand plus five wooden logs. The car was introduced with staple-end trucks and changed to bar-end trucks in 1952.
Production of the car from 1949 to 1953 the was always black with white lettering. In 1954, the die-cast frame was changed to a painted green with white lettering. However, the sheet-metal operating dump frame continued to be black.
Additional Detail, Photos & Box Information
Although not well known, one of the most diffuicult items to locate for a 3461 log dump car is the separate-sale box for the green version. Most green log dump cars were included in sets and few were sold as separate items. Locating the large -25 box will require time.
Black Frame - Shown in first photo above - The common variation, produced from 1949 - 1954.
Green Frame (Second photo above) - The final production run in 1954 and 1955. It is estimated the car was never produced in 1955 as Lionel simply sold remaining inventory from 1954 throughout 1955. This is the harder version to locate.
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